Markenstrategie: Konzept und Vorgehen Markennamen von Unternehmen, Produkten und Dienstleistungen Marken- und Künstlernamen von Sängern, Schauspielern, Sportlern und sonstigen Persönlichkeiten des Öffentlichen Lebens Markenlogos: Wortmarke, Bildmarke/Symbole und Charaktere Slogans: Kurze,  markante Phasen zur Marke und ihrer USP
Brand Portfolio Strategy by David A. Aaker (2004)
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Brand Porfolio Strategy - Creating Relevance, Differentiation, Energy, Leverage, and Clarity

David A. Aaker (2004)

Brand Portfolio Strategy by David Aaker (2004) "Virtually all firms face the portfolio challenges created by
multiple brands."
(S. 10)

"Brands .. need to be placed in roles to which they are suited,
and given the resources needed to succeed."
(S. 10)

"All brands and all brand roles are not created equal." (S. 11)

"The brand portfolio strategy specifies the structure of the
brand porfolio and the scope, roles, and interrelationships
of the portfolio brands."
(S. 13)

"The brand portfolio needs to support and reflect the
business strategy."
(S. 78)

"An overbranded portfolio can result in strategic brands
losing equity and market position because marginal brands
are absorbing brand-building dollars and, worse, managerial
(S. 295)

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Brand Portfolio Strategy von David A. Aaker (2004)

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