Markenstrategie: Konzept und Vorgehen Markennamen von Unternehmen, Produkten und Dienstleistungen Marken- und Künstlernamen von Sängern, Schauspielern, Sportlern und sonstigen Persönlichkeiten des Öffentlichen Lebens Markenlogos: Wortmarke, Bildmarke/Symbole und Charaktere Slogans: Kurze,  markante Phasen zur Marke und ihrer USP
Brand Portfolio Strategy by David A. Aaker (2004)
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Confessions of an Advertising Man

David Ogilvy (1963)

David Ogilvy, Confessions of an Advertising Man (1963)"Any damn fool can put on a price reduction, but it takes brains
and perseverance to create a brand."
(S. 22)

"Next to the theater, advertising is probably the least
secure of all careers."
(S. 84)

"Nobody has ever built a brand by imitating somebody else's
(S. 131)

"It is the total personality of a brand rather than any trivial
product difference which decides its ultimate position in
the market."
(S. 131)

"Never give up a campaign just because you have grown tired of it;
housewives don't see your advertisements as often as you do."

(S. 113)

"What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content
of your advertising, not its form."
(S. 121)

"It is easier to sell people with a friendly handshake than by hitting them over the head with a hammer." (S. 125f.)

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Confessions of an Advertising Man (1963)

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